Our Mission
Christian Birth Professionals
The primary purpose of our programs is to educate and train women in the areas of Christian Childbirth Education, Doula and Midwifery from a Biblical perspective. This field has proven to be an open door to share the gospel and the last-day message to expectant parents. It also is in harmony with the instructions given through the pen of inspiration. “The Bible speaks of women at childbirth being attended by women, and thus it ought always to be. Women should be educated and trained to act skillfully as midwives and physicians to their sex. This is the Lord’s plan.” The General Conference Bulletin, June 4, 1909.
“This was a wonderful course!” says Carol from England. “I think every woman should do this course so that they can be more in touch with their body.”
This spring, we had representatives from several countries—Canada, Norway, England,
the Philippines, and the US—taking the Childbirth Educator/Doula training
program at Hartland College. They learned a lot during their four-week
intensive training, and we have no doubt they will continue to add to their
knowledge through experience. Each one expressed a desire to be a positive
in uence on their families, neighbors, and communities. They want to use their
knowledge and talents to share the gospel message and the love of Christ.
“Learning from our dedicated instructors
was a huge blessing,” says Seikosha from the Philippines. “Being under God’s mentorship, the knowledge and experiences they shared was an inspiration and encouragement. This training truly built the groundwork for us to teach childbirth classes, help develop birth plans, perform labor assistance through emotional and spiritual support, and guide or educate mothers to make informed choices.”